How SEO Can Capture Demand You Create Elsewhere
Generating demand is about making people want stuff they had no desire to buy before encountering your marketing. Sometimes, it’s a short-term play, like an ecommerce store creating buzz before launching a new product. Other times, like with B2B marketing, it’s a long-term play to engage out-of-market audiences. In either situation, demand generation can quickly become an expensive marketing activity. Here are some ways SEO can help you capture and retain the demand you’re generating so your marketing budget goes further. 1. Make your product, service, or innovation searchable If you’re working hard to create demand for your product, make sure it’s easy for people to discover it when they search Google. Give it a simple name that’s easy to remember Label it according to how people naturally search Avoid any terms that create ambiguities with an existing thing For example, the concept of a clay exfoliating stone is easy for people to remember. Even if they don’t remember what Pryshan calls their product, they’ll remember the videos and images they saw of the product being used to exfoliate people’s skin. They’ll remember it’s made from clay instead of a more common material like pumice. It makes sense for Pryshan to call its product something similar to what people will be inclined to search for. In this example, however, the context of exfoliation is important. If Pryshan chooses to call its product “clay stones,” it will have a harder time disambiguating itself from gardening products in search results. It’s already the odd one out in SERPs for such keywords: When you go through your branding exercises to decide what to call your product or innovation, it helps to search your ideas on Google. This way, you’ll easily see what phrases to avoid so that your product isn’t being grouped with…
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